Parent & Student Resources
Student Packet: Each Friday, your student will bring home a clear folder (called their “Friday Folder”) that may consist of graded homework, tests, or forms that need to be reviewed. Students are to return the packets on Monday with work signed work that was under a grade of 70 any signed forms.
Weekly Newsletter: A weekly email will be sent each Friday outlining upcoming events and important updates. Once a month this newsletter will also have a letter from the Headmaster and other various submissions.
Missing and Incomplete Grades: An automated email will be sent to a student’s parent when an assignment is marked as incomplete or missing in Educate.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: An invitation will be sent to parents at the end of the first and third quarters to discuss a child’s progress in Chesterton Academy. At the end of the conference a physical and email copy of the results of the discussion will be shared with the parents.
Social Media: Regular posts about school life are added to our Instagram and Facebook pages.
School Calendar: Check our school calendar frequently to see upcoming events. school calendar. We update it at a minimum of once a week.
Other: If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Do you have idea for an upcoming event? We want to hear from you! Please submit the details here.
Please allow 24 hours for processing by the Headmaster. If you do not receive a response after 24 hours, please email the front office (
Please see the handbook for a list of excused absence.
Students: The assignments are posted at the end of each class and/or by end-of-school day to the homework board (white board to the left of the chalkboard).
Students/Parents: This board is posted each day after school to Google Classroom.
Checking Status of Submission: Check your student's grade book via EDUCATE after the submission date to see if it's submitted, missing (M), incomplete (I), excused (E), or absent (A).
Our school uses TADS to manage our student’s grades. Each parent should have their own credentials to login to the family account. Here you can monitor your student’s grades.
Navigate to the TADS Educate portal.
Enter your email and password. If you do not have a password, contact us at to get started.
After you login, select the School, the Students from the left sideboard.
From there, select Grades under the Academic tab on the main screen.
A - Absent: Can be made up. Counts neither for/against the student's grade.
E - Excused: Cannot be made up. Counts neither for/against the student's grade.
M - Missing: Past due but has not been received by the teacher. Counts as a zero in the student's grade until submitted.*
I - Incomplete: Has been submitted but missing necessary components to be accept by the teacher. Place into the incomplete bin at school.*
LS - Low Score: The student has earned a 79 or less.
*An email is automatically sent to the parents after the teacher has entered in the gradebook.
Here is a list of actions or omissions which could earn students a demerit: TADS Educate Portal
To view your student’s demerits:
Login to the TADS Educate Portal
In the left-hand navigation bar, select School —> Students
In the main section, select your student’s name.
Under your student’s name, select ‘Demographic’
In the Demographic section, select ‘Conduct’
Roughly 2 exams will be given a day and will take no longer than a typical class period (45 minutes). End of term exams are 10% of the semester grade.
Midterm Schedule:
Day 1, Dec. 12- Art
Day 2, Dec. 13- Latin, Literature
Day 3, Dec. 14- Music, Math
Day 4, Dec. 18- Science, Philosophy
Day 5, Dec. 19- History, Theology
Expectations of Parents: Help your students prepare. Please click here for resources for each subject.
Expectations of Students: Review all semester material 10-15 minutes each night. Do not cram the night before.
Quizlet Decks:Literature
Math - Geometry
Math - Statistics
Science - Astronomy
Science - Physics
Need More Resources?
Our resource page will continue to grow. Is there a resource that you would like to see listed on this page? Please tell us!